
To view or download a copy of a policy or procedure, click on the Tier drop-down list below. This will open a section with a list of all policies/procedures in that tier. You can then click on the relevant policy/procedure and view the document.

New and revised policies/procedures will be added to the website when they are approved.

Tier 1 MAT Central Policies are central Trust polices that apply to Trustees, Members and Employees of Bordesley MAT in addition to its schools.

Tier 2 School Centrally Determined School Policies are polices that apply to all Bordesley Multi Academy schools.

Tier 3 Model Statutory School Policies are polices provided by the MAT to its schools as a basis for developing their own statutory school appropriate policies.

Tier 4 Model Non-Statutory School Policies are polices provided by the MAT to its schools as a basis for developing their own school appropriate policies should they feel that the policy is required.

Tier 1

Tier 1 MAT Central Policies are central Trust polices that apply to Trustees, Members and Employees of Bordesley MAT in addition to its schools.

Tier 2

Tier 2 School Centrally Determined School Policies are polices that apply to all Bordesley Multi Academy schools.

Tier 3

Tier 3 Model Statutory School Policies are polices provided by the MAT to its schools as a basis for developing their own statutory school appropriate policies.

Tier 4

Tier 4 Model Non-Statutory School Policies are polices provided by the MAT to its schools as a basis for developing their own school appropriate policies should they feel that the policy is required.